

Gousto were looking to raise awareness and achieve stand out from their established competitors through a DRTV spot that would drive traffic to the website and convert new sign ups for their delicious recipe boxes. As a challenger brand, education was on the menu. We wanted to transform the way families thought of meal times by showcasing how Gousto’s healthy, easy and inspirational offering could bring people families together around the dining table.

How I Made It Happen

The idea was simple, but mouth-watering – we’d take viewers on a Gousto journey, a celebration of cooking and dining to communicate the excitement, the ease, and the sheer infectious fun of the whole Gousto experience – perfect for families who struggle to connect over meal times with uninspiring dishes. Cooking on gas!


  • Art directed shoot
  • Art directing narrative and storyboard
  • Pre and post production art direction
  • Art direction with food stylist
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